
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sojourners and Pilgrims - 1 Peter 2:11-12 - 07-15-2017

Hi everyone! Just thought I'd share. I hope you are encouraged and blessed. Click the link below to view the video if you are reading this from email.

Grace, peace, and love in Jesus Christ!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

"Thank you" - In Jesus - 07-12-2017

Today I met a family and was able to shift some paradigms in their midst by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ. Here is a quick testimony of what I mean.

Jesus healed a young woman (late teens or maybe young adult age) from knee pain today. She was standing with what looked like most of her family, about 6 of them. Only one white guy. The rest looked like they may have been muslim, or at least backgrounds from a muslim country. She did say "Thank you" a couple times though before it ended. Most were walking away as soon as they saw the pain left. She and a young guy, maybe her brother, looked really confused. #testimony #kneepain #healing #divinehealing #divine #muslim #islam #Jesus #Isa #HeisGod #Heisalive #Heistheonlywaytoparadise #Helivesinme #Hecanliveinyou #besavedbyfaithinJesus #JesusistheonlywaytoGod #HeisOnewiththeFatherandHolySpirit #OneGodthreepersons #HehealsbecauseHeisGod #cessationism #HestilldoesthesamemiraclesthruHisbelievers #confused #newparadigm #theywerentready #reactionswerealittlefunny #gospel #kingdom

You have Jesus? You can do this too! Be encouraged!

Grace, peace, and love in Jesus Christ!